Ule Ewelt

Ule Ewelt was born in Germany, lives and works in the countryside of Grünberg, Hesse. She studied geography and urban planning, then in 2003 turned her attention to ceramics. Since 2011 his art is purely figurative and focuses on the representation of animals.
Ewelt makes the relationship between the human and animal species at the time of the origins of humanity the central theme of his artistic work. Animals have always had a highly symbolic character for man: they intensely evoke images, memories, feelings and associations, present in every mythology; at the same time they are tangible and material and have been both a source of food and a threat to human existence. The symbolic and bodily dimensions of the animal merge in the sculpture, which qualifies as the means by which Ewelt intends to bring these two aspects together. A union that maintains, however, the voids, and that embraces the fragmentary nature of existence.
He began to investigate these themes while studying archaic representations of animals, especially those in the cave paintings of Lascaux and the Chauvet cave in southern France. Her admiration for the ability of prehistoric artists to capture the inner and dynamic nature of animals with just a few signs prompted her to try to establish a link with primitive forms of representation.