Manu DeMey
If you want to see the valleys, climb to the top of the mountain. If you want to see the top of the mountain, rise above the cloud. But if you want to understand the cloud, close your eyes and think.
(Khalil Gibran)
Read more about Manu DeMey: Biography

Girl with bare shoulders
Oil and charcoal on canvas
Width 80cm
Height 120cm
Code: MDM01
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Girl with black hat
Oil painting on canvas
Width 80cm
Height 120cm
Code: MDM02
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Sitting person with hand on chin
Oil painting on canvas
Width 60cm
Height 100cm
Code: MDM04
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Manu De Mey was born in Antwerp in 1965, his mother was a British artist and his father a Flemish accountant. He graduated from the Mortsel Art Academy in 2017 and lives and works in Antwerp.
Hers is a world populated by portraits of young women, who often have their eyes closed, it is a warning to introspection, to look inside ourselves to find our own identity in a world increasingly dominated by homologation and by technology that alienates us and distances us from our humanity.
- Black Graphics: 5 prints of 3D work featured at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art in California USA – May 2013
- Burning Man: one artwork in group exposition in Central Café at the Burning Man festival in Nevada, USA – September 2017
- Gebermte: two paintings on plexiglass in outdoor group installation in Mortsel – April 2018
- Lambermontmartre:participation in the Lambermontmartre open air art market, Antwerp – summer 2018
- Open House Expo: exhibition of paintings and drawings in own home in Antwerp – March 2019
- Nomad Art Gallery: exhibition of paintings and drawings in galerie Art Nomade in Brussels – April 2019
- The Art Factory: 3 works in group exposition organized by the city of Mortsel, Mortsel – May 2019
- Expo 167: several works in group exposition, organized by myself, Kloosterstraat Antwerp – May 2019
- Ambigu: solo exposition in gallery Conscience20, Conscienceplein 20, Antwerp – July 2019
- Lambermontmartre:participation in the Lambermontmartre open air art market – summer 2019
- Open Ateliers Antwerp –september 2019
- ACAF: selected to be part of the Accessible Art Fair at BozarBrussels – October 2019
- Catawiki: featured as Trending Artist of the week –December 2019, 19 works sold
- EuropArtFair: selected to participate at EuropArtFair in Amsterdam – December 2019
- Rivierenhof Gallery: group expo with Hildegard Penne in Rivierenhof park Deurne, Antwerp – June 2020
- The New Gallery: solo expo in gallery in Brussels, September – October 2020
- Saint-Willebrordus Church: group expo in the Sint-Willebrorduskerk in Antwerp – October 2020
- New Jorg Gallery, group expo in New Jorg Gallery in Kalmthout – April 2021
- Balthasar Brussels, two works in group expo from June 2021 to May 2022
- Monaco Art Fair, two works represented by gallery, August 2021
- Conscience20,only expo in Popup Gallery in Antwerp – September 2021
- Nobody&Friendsgallery, group expo in Antwerp – October 2021
- Birth of Super Nova, group expo at Monat Gallery in Madrid – January 2022
- World Art Forum, Cairo, Egypt (January 2022)
- Identity Revolution, group expo in Lecce, Italy (March 2022)
- Intense, only expo at Rivierenhof Gallery, Antwerp (April 2022)
- Atelier in Beeld, Antwerp (13-15th of May 2022)
- ArtNordic, Copenhagen (June 2022)
- Open Ateliers Antwerp(September 2022)
- Focus Art Fair, group expo at le Carrousel du Louvre, Paris (September 2022)
- Dreamland, group expo at Galeria Azur, Madrid (November 2022)
- Shakespeare and I,Sint-Denijs-Westrem (December 2022)
- Azure Gallery, Berlin (February 2023)
- Expo Rivierenhof, Antwerp (March 2023)
- Open Atelier Deurne, Antwerp (April 2023)
- Atelier in Beeld, Antwerp (May 2023)
- Pleased To Meet You!, duo-expo with Hildegard Penne, Antwerp (June 2023)
- Eddy's Lab, group expo in Gare Maritime, Brussels (September-Oktober 2023)
- Borger Hart, Antwerp (September 2023)
- Open Ateliers Antwerp(September 2023)
- Le Neuf Gallery Brussels(December 2023)
- Mizar Gallery(t), Genk, group expo (April-June 2024)
- Riverenhof, Expo only (May 2024)
- ARTrigin, Taipei City, Taiwan, group expo (October 2024)
- Octopus Heart Art Center, Brussels, group expo (October – November 2024)
- FRACAS, Mons (Bergen), expo only (November – December 2024)
- 10th Silk Road International Art Exhibition, Xi'an, China (October – November 2024)