Fabio De Poli
I am an (almost) monothematic painter, faithful to the humility of colors and the perception of the space that surrounds them.
F. De Poli

Smoker (Triptych)
Vinyl on canvas
The black woodpecker
Vinyl on canvasBiography
Fabio De Poli was born in Genoa in 1947, he lives in Florence. In 1964 he attended the Art Institute of Florence specializing in advertising graphics. Since 1968 he has participated in the main artistic events. At the end of the 60s he made his debut with a New Dada work, at the beginning of the 70s he produced a series of works that Renato Barilli defined 'Rich art'. His works are preserved at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna of Palazzo Pitti, at the Patronato Joan Miro of Barcelona, at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna of Bologna, at the Pecci Museum of Prato, at the Franklin Funrance of New York, at Palazzo Enasco in Rome.